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Noel participates in as many shows and clinics as she can, bringing horses to a variety of locations. Be sure to bookmark this page so you can stay up to date on where she'll be appearing next.


May 4-5 - USEF Dressage Programs Clinic with Shelly Francis, HITS Saugerties, Saugerties NY
May 16-19 - Mid-Atlantic Dressage Festival & Lexington CDI 3*, Lexington VA 
June 4-5 - USEF/USDF Dressage Judge's Clinic, Olympia WA

June 22-23 - PVDA Prince George's Equestrian Center, Upper Marlboro, MD
July 12-14 - Dressage at Lexington, Lexington VA (available to handle for DSHB classes) 
July 27-29 - USDF Sport Horse Seminar/ USEF/USDF DSHB Judge Training Program, Wichita KS
August 19-25 - USEF Festival of Champions, Wayne IL
September 23-29 - Dressage at Devon Breed Show and CDI (available to handle for DSHB classes), Devon PA
October 10-13 - USDF Region 1 Championships, Lexington VA 
November 9-10 - Clinic, Bermuda

Noel Williams Dressage - clinics and training



Noel still has a few 2024 dates left for clinics.  Please check availability below, and then contact her if you would like to schedule one of those dates for your barn or training program.


May 25-26

August 31-September 1

September 7-8

October 5-6

October 26-27



Thanks for submitting!

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